Friday, March 20, 2020

A "Kung Flu" Conversation

Yesterday, a conservative friend posted THIS LINK:

"The incidents are not and can not be blamed by the President. We are responsible for our own actions. It would probably be a good bet those individuals are with a hate group like white supremacy group, etc.."

As you can see, that was his caption. What follows is simply, merely, and only the conversation that ensued between the two of us.

Jason Hesiak: but is calling it "kung flu" racist?

Friend: Depends how you define Racism

To me when that becomes harassing, over use and those who verbally assault or physically and hate associated or not that portrays as a a weaker group or person being inferior is Racism.
By definition as i understand it no. Again would i use it, NO.
Let me clear.
I don't want harm to my Asian friends or friends spouse, and their kids and / or grand kids.

Jason Hesiak: [friend's name] by what you just said...

It's not racist to portray another group or person of said group of people as weaker or inferior to my own - whether verbally or in my imagination?

But, it is racist when that verbal or imaginary portrayal of weakness or inferiority - of another group or of person of that group - crosses the line into a desire to harm someone or multiple people of said group in some way, particularly with verbal or physical assault?


Scientifically, do viruses have nationalities? Is scientific knowledge authoritative in any way for you?

What is accomplished by imagining or naming an impurity that poses a threat to us all as "foreign" to my race or nation or native to another group? What desire is fulfilled by doing that?

What is accomplished when an authority figure, in particular, does that? What desire is fulfilled by imagining myself aligned or attached to the authority figure who does that?

And, you identify as Christian, right? Where do you see this happening - or this dynamic between it and its opposite - in scripture?

Friend: Jason Hesiak . your 1st paragraph is actually just the opposite of what i was trying to say.
Next paragraph 2 questions: no

Jason Hesiak: [friend's name] ok thank you for the clarification. I was actually a little confused reading what you wrote. That makes more sense.

But I'm still confused, then, about how calling it "Kung Flu" isn't racist. So what about the other stuff? Because my naming an impurity that poses a threat to all of us and that by scientific authority has no nationality or race accomplishes or fulfills our desire for precisely our own purity or superiority, does it not?

Friend: We are such an hypersensitive society these wusses need a backbone. There have been things in science named from where it originated or by the founder. So from that no.
However i will say tasteless as christian jokes, gay jokes, etc.
For humor used to kid and tear jokingly everything . now its cant because you offend xyz but its ok to bash Christianity and traditional values. Thats hypocrisy and weak boned people.

Jason Hesiak [friend's name]

1. That other viruses have been named after the places where they were first known to have occurred does not make their names not racist, also. We have a long history of legitimized racism.

2. This isn't Trump kidding around with a close friend. This is Trump publicly and authoritatively identifying a public threat with our public, global, ideological, economic, and, yes, "foreign" enemies / competitors.

3. What makes us "hypersensitive"? What is the driving force of this hypersensitivity that wasn't the case in some other time or place? Where does that come from? How is it different or the same from other times or places? I don't really understand what you're saying about that.
Edit or delete this

Friend: 1. Don't give me PC crap. I don't go or fall for it.
2. Ok. Yes.
3. Over PC crap. Now have a society of spinless wimps.

Jason Hesiak [friend's name]

1. say our history is racist is "PC crap"? C' is that anywhere near reasonable or tenable? Can you even imagine saying that to a black or brown person? Or a native American? If so, how do you imagine most all of them would react?

2. So what does this have to do with you joking around with your friends?

3. But I'm asking what that even means? How is that different from when and where? From what you said above, you seem to mean that the difference you’re referring to is when Christianity and "traditional values" held more predominant sway in our society? But my questions remain. What or who caused the change? Why? What do you even mean by "spineless wimps"? Who are said spineless wimps? Non-Christians who hold to progressive values? Would Christians be the spineless wimps if they were the ones who didn't hold power? Should Jesus have not experienced shame on the cross when he was purposefully shamed (as Trump is purposefully shaming Asians / the Chinese)? As Christians, how do we respond to injustice, whether against others or ourselves? Just pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and, create an imagination where those who wrong us aren't worthy of our attention, and overcome their wrong with our own accomplishment or identity in the world? I mean, what are we talking about here? Or, is the foundation of this vision of what "spineless wimps" means, rather that God is in charge and has our back, and so we shouldn't be losing the cultural cache the way we are? God is on our side, and the progressives are wrong and going to pay? What are we talking about?

[Friend] Jason
1. How i took it, perception.
Ivdo get it from your questions though.
2. Disregard .

I then get a private message from him: “I just eliminated that post. Way to much o u t there.”

I basically intend to simply let this conversation stand on its own as a revelation of where we are. This is the second conversation in two days that a similarly conservative friend simply deleted after I simply started asking questions. The only commentary I would like to add is this. Notice the supposed connection between: 1. "personal responsibility" in my friend's original caption, and 2. The "PC crap" of "spineless wimps." This seems to imply that everything about how we relate to one another hinges on our own individual sovereignty or autonomy rather than on an inherent relationality woven into the fabric of the universe.

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